Role of rT3 in thyroid function
Reverse T3 (rT3) is an inactive form of the thyroid hormone and is highly relevant to thyroid function. rT3 is believed to be a protective evolutionary method developed by the body. Get a naturopathic advice how to reduce rT3 levels and improve your thyroid function.
What causes an elevation in rT3 levels?
rT3 can be elevated for a variety fo reasons, however the most common reason is from chronic stress. Continued prolonged stressors result in an increase in cortisol levels via the adrenal glands, this elevated cortisol inhibits the conversion of T4 in to its active T3, subsequently reducing active T3 levels. What happens instead is T4 is shunted to and converted into the inactive hormone rT3. This process can continue to exist even after stressors have passed and cortisol levels have balanced. High levels of rT3 therefore prevents adequate levels of T3 because the rT3 docks in the receptor upside down, preventing any active t3 from docking and exhibiting its biological effects.
Other factors that can lead to an elevation in rT3
- Inflammation
- Chronic illness
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Blood sugar dysregulation / insulin resistance
- Emotional trauma
- Toxic exposure
- Certain medications
Why is it so important to test rT3?
Blood tests that measure just T3 do NOT distinguish between rT3 and T3, this is why it is so vital to also test rT3 as a marker and to rule out rT3 dominance as a causative factor of any thyroid symptoms. However, rT3’s importance is not clinically known to GP’s so it is common to have your test request turned down. Alternatively you can request to pay out of pocket if your GP will still order the test. As a naturopath I have the ability to order a comprehensive thyroid panel including rT3 to determine what is driving your symptoms.
Naturopathic advice to reduce rT3 levels
Step back and assess your life, is stress a major factor in your life? Or is something else driving your symptoms. Effective treatment involves identifying the root cause. If continued stress is the driver of your rT3 dominance and thyroid symptoms it is vital to support your adrenal glands.
Support your adrenal glands through the following methods:
- Optimise your sleep (8-9) hours per night is best to enhance your health
- Spend time outside – spending time in nature is a proven way to ground your body and enhance your Vitamin D status, aim for 10-15 minutes of sun exposure per day
- Ensure you are eating a protein source with every meal, ideally 1g of protein per kg of body weight
- Dont over-exercise, overexercising signals to our body we are in state of stress and it de-prioritises non-essential body functions such as hormone production
- Increase your intake of Vitamin C rich foods, Vitamin C is a cofactor for cortisol production, therefore demand is increased during times of stress.
- Supplement with a high quality magnesium and B vitamin complex
- Eat regularly, aim to eat every 3-4 hours to sustain adequate levels of blood sugar
- Notice how you’re breathing, deep belly breaths send a signal to your vagus nerve to activate the parasympathetic nervous system
- Meditate, aim to meditate for 10-15 minutes per day. Meditation has been shown to lower cortisol levels and assist with relaxation
- Ensure you drink at least 2 litres per day, adequate water intake is necessary for optimal health
See my blog how does stress affect the thyroid gland? for further information on just how detrimental stress is to your thyroid. Or to take control of your thyroid health once and for all and book an appointment with me.